Twitter Votebot

How to use?
@yourfavproject #xrplwinvote
Latest votes
Who For When
Tweet samples
Add #xrplwinvote somewhere in tweet
What a nice project @realSologenic #xrplwinvote
Cast multiple votes in one tweet
What a nice project @realSologenic
Also I like @Vagabondappio

#xrpArmy #xrp #xrplwinvote #xrpl
This will work also
Oh yea @Vagabondappio #xrplwinvote just released awesome feature!

To vote for your favorite project using tweet just add #xrplwinvote hashtag somewhere in your tweet.

Bot will scan tweet text and find all @username's if any of them matches token in DB, vote for that token will be cast.

One twitter account can vote only once every 24 hours per @projectname, everything else bot will ignore. This means you can vote only once every 24 hours for specific token. You can vote for multiple tokens each day.

To recognize to who are you voting for, @projectname twitter account needs to be connected to token in database, use search on top of this page to find token.